Scholarship Award Ceremony 2020-2021

On April 4th, we hosted our 2020-2021 CAPA of Walnut Scholarship Award Ceremony at Suzanne Park.  The founder of our club, the former City Mayor of Walnut, Mary Su was invited to present this award to each winner. We received overwhelming support from all the CAPA staff members and parents who attended to the event. Especially during the difficult times of the pandemic, it is a truly special feeling to be able to host such an event and bring everyone together. Thank you volunteers, staff members, and parents who supported us to make this event possible.    

我們核桃高中華裔家長會在美國的傳統節日-復活節這個有特殊意義的日子里給三位獲得我們家長會年度獎學金的優秀畢業生 Joseph Lee, Lingyi Wu, and Jerry Fang 頒發了各$500的獎金和證書, 還有一位獲獎者Jonathan Steele無法參加. 家長會的創始人Mary Su發表了熱情洋溢、鼓励和勸勉的簡短致辭, 會長 Diana Zhao, 副會長 Ken Tseng 和 Rachel Chu, 董事會顧問 Eliza 以及董事會部分成員 Hong Xu, Benny Tan, Benny Ho, Sophia Zou, Eric Tsai, and Melody Lin 也感謝所有參與的家長和孩子們, 祝愿他們在未來的學習旅途中不斷進步、更上一層樓, 並歡迎他們常回“家”看看, 跟學弟學妹們分享他們的學習體會及人生經驗!在此一併感謝三位優秀畢業生的媽媽 Jean, Vivian and Winnie 送她們的孩子來參加頒獎活動.
