CAPA’s donation to Walnut High School (2020)

CAPA donated $10,000 to Walnut High School on September 11th, 2020. This year WHS is facing a difficult situation due to Covid-19.  Our school has adopted distance learning and underwent an overall budget cut.  With the help of our members and sponsors, we are able to gather funding to support our school. Thank you  teachers and staff members, and all CAPA parents who trust and support us.  

經過了兩個月的辛勤籌備与耕耘, 家長會今天給學校捐赠了$10,000!這是今年學校收到的最大一笔捐款.  在疫情肆虐及野火蔓延的危机面前, 家長會及時組織創立了青少年委员会, 免費為有需要的家庭提供數學、物理、電腦及英語輔導, 适時地彌補了學區因經費空缺而請不到輔導員的不足! 目睹孩子們在教學過程中的點點滴滴的進步, 家長們都感到特別的欣慰!我們在此感恩每一位支持我們家长会的個人與團體, 感謝你們對核桃學區的付出.

At this special moment, we also want to congratulate our school Principle Mr. Maine who received his PhD degree recently.  He is the youngest principle with a PhD degree in our school district.  One of our talented parents, Wendy Cai, made a special decorative cake for him.    Please see the photo!  Enjoy!


今天我們也庆祝了帥哥校長順利地拿到博士學位, 图三博士帽的翻糖蛋糕是由我們的優秀學生家長Wendy亲自制作的, 下次準備蛋糕义賣, 如果您有需要的话可以事先讓我們家長會知道, 這蛋糕是不是讓您驚艷了.