Please note that we are canceling the section for this week.
(There is no origami event on 03/19/2021 ).
我們的Origami Art Club 開張了孩子們将學習如何折出不同風格種類的花卉以及動物等艺术品, 去探望核桃市的長者以及有需要的人,讓他們感受到我們社區的關愛!也希望在疫情肆虐的環境下能給大家帶來開心與互動!歡迎摺紙愛好者訪問我們的網站 了解更多詳情, 報名者也可以直接用以下鏈接跟Athena Guan聯絡,
The Origami Club:
Let’s Fold it Up:
Origami Club Rocks!
Do you want to learn how to make a voluminous crane or maybe a delightful tulip, dogs and cats or just make something out of paper for fun? Why not come and join the Origami Club? The Origami Club is a great option for learning the art and craft. Students at Origami Club enjoy it because they get to have fun with their friends and even meet new friends and create new models, to show around school. It develops hand-eye co-ordination, sequencing skills, creativities, attention, and patience.
The Origami Club is a paper folding club made for anyone to join with or without experience. The club meets once a week for an hour on Zoom. With your participation, Origami Club can make many creations over time starting out easy like flowers and working into making more intricate models like modular designs with many of the same pieces for those who are experienced. The goal is to transform a flat square sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques. We want to share the joy of paper-folding and preserve its history of Japanese tradition, it is believed that if one folds 1000 cranes, a wish will
come true. We wish to bring heartwarming experience to the elderly and to the sick people we can reach.