Our History 歷程

“CAPA”, The first “Chinese American Parent’s Association of WVUSD” was originally founded in 1997 by Mayor Mary Su, the first Asian Female Mayor of the City of Walnut.  It provided support to parents and students in the school district.  Today we continue the same role with CAPA in Walnut, providing help to the school and building a better connection with the local community.

For more information about our founder, please see the link: https://capa-wvusd.org/

核桃學區華裔家長會 (CAPA) 創辨于1997年 , 由核桃市首位亞裔女市長蘇王秀蘭帶領幾位熱心人事共同開創。家長會的主要宗旨為幫助新移民學生、家長更快的融入主流並了解西方文化 , 更希望能鼓勵學生跟家長們參與學校活動。我們延續著總會長的理念創建了高中部 CAPA , 希望能幫助高中家長及學生們解決問題。
