Meet us on Jan 31 for Walnut High School Open House showcase Night

Walnut high school’s open house was held in the gymnasium on Jan 31. Our parents’ association also actively participated in this event. Parents and student volunteers came early to set up booths. Many parents of new students immediately scanned the QR code to join us and become our members.

核桃高中open house 1/31 晚 6:00 在核桃高中的体育馆召开啦!核桃高中華裔家長会也积极参与了本次活动,家长和义工早早来到现场布置摊位,悬挂各式毕业彩带,吸引了一众家长们的目光!我们更是在现场接受新生家长加入,很多家长当即扫码加入成为我们会员。